Special Recognition Awarded at FME UC 2017!

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  • Special Recognition Awarded at FME UC 2017!

Gistic received “Special Recognition Award” at Safe Software’s FME User Conference 2017 in Vancouver BC in May.  Per Catherine Gracey, a Customer Engagement Manager from Safe Software, Gistic was recognized for its application of FME technologies in addressing LRS challenges in transportation agencies in the US, and for its effort and contribution in growing FME user community in the State of Arizona.


Bo also shared Gistic experience in FME server provisioning using FME server APIs, and its LRS expertise through two presentations and FME Hackathon participation.

Bo Guo, PhD, PE

At Gistic Research, Bo leads a team in LinearBench product design and development. He is a passionate LRS researcher and practitioner who believes that LRS challenges can be solved through technology design and integration.

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