Open GIVing 06/18/2020

The afternoon of 06/18/2020, Gistic hosted another Open GIVing session. The four attendees represented Coconino County, Pima County, and the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (SRPMIC). 

During this meeting, we:

  • Helped Doran Dalton (SRPMIC) load data;
  • Discovered an issue with data loading and QCing;
  • Discussed how  Chole Whittaker (Pima County) and Samantha Dinning (Coconino County) can be added as users and/or administrators;
  • Reviewed available AZGIV resources, including the AZGIV YouTube playlist and the GIVs resource page on the Gistic website.

During the previous Open GIVing sessions, users have asked for enhancements and a few bugs have come to light:

User-Requested Enhancements under Development:

  • Separate errors, warnings, and exceptions, and allow these findings to be configurable by the agency;
  • Create an exception list;
  • Add a white halo around points on the map, so they are more visible;
  • Expose the user guide and YouTube videos on the login screen, so completely new users can get help without logging in.

Bugs Found:

  • The web UI does not work in Microsoft browsers, so there should be a popup warning message when the user tries to load AZGIV in Internet Explorer or Edge.

Bugs Squashed:

  • Autofill the dataset category after a user uploads points or lines;
  • Browser caching preventing a sub-agency admin from uploading data;
  • Keep data processing history even after data is deleted and purged.

Stay Tuned for these upcoming resources:

  • Updated video demonstrating the procedure to download, install and use the AZGIV addin on GitHub;
  • Video demonstrating how a parent agency can withdraw the approval of a layer, so a child agency may update the layer.

Open GIVing session is a bi-weekly event hosted by TSSW and Gistic to help AZGIV users to improve their NG911 readiness.  No registration is required.  Here is how and when to participate.  Happy GIVing!

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