Gistic to Participate at GIS-T 2016

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  • Gistic to Participate at GIS-T 2016

Gistic will be a full participant again at this year’s GIS-T Symposium which will be held April 4-7, 2016 in Raleigh, NC.  On Monday, April 4, we are co-leading an afternoon workshop with our partner, Safe Software.  The workshop, “Addressing ARNOLD Technical Challenges with FME,” will demonstrate how Departments of Transportation can leverage FME data transformation technology to overcome common barriers to ARNOLD implementation, like LRS network building and quality assurance.  On Thursday, April 7 we are again co-presenting with Safe Software; look for Track 7.4 Innovations:  “FME and ARNOLD:  Superman to the Rescue!”


This year we are showcasing exciting new technologies:  


  1. FME LinearBench® Transform, a collection of transformers specifically designed to address LRS data ETL, LRS route building and QC;  

  2. LinearBench® Dashboard (LBD), BI software that enables transportation professionals to explore and quickly analyze large amounts of diverse data from multiple sources — without coding; and

  3. LinearBench® Validate (LBV), a tool that allows users to validate and fix LRS event and network data in a friendly, web environment.


Visit our booth (#47) for an on-site demo of our featured products.

Bo Guo, PhD, PE

At Gistic Research, Bo leads a team in LinearBench product design and development. He is a passionate LRS researcher and practitioner who believes that LRS challenges can be solved through technology design and integration.

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