Case Studies

Gistic Research, Inc has completed a wide variety of projects. Read the case studies below to find out more about our clients and the collaborative projects that we’ve completed with them.

Enhancing NG911 Address Management Using FME

The Client

Arizona 9-1-1 Program Office

The Background

The Arizona 9-1-1 Program coordinates the operations of seventeen independent 9-1-1 Call Centers across the State of Arizona.  They have embarked on an upgrade from Enhanced 9-1-1 (E9-1-1) to NextGen 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1).  As part of this effort, databases must be updated, transformed and quality assured so that the new system will perform reliably.  TerraSystems Southwest (TSSW) was chosen as the prime consultant to lead this effort with Gistic as the database and FME sub-contractor.

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Building HPMS and NBI Dashboards

The Client:

The Multimodal Planning Division (MPD) of the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT)

The Background:

In mid-201 8, the Multimodal Planning Division of ADOT set out to conduct an organization-wide data review to improve data processes and quality, support data integration and to produce a collection of authoritative dashboards. Gistic Research and sub-contractors from Works Consulting and Kingston Business Solutions were contracted to execute this plan.

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Technology Cocktail Coming to the Rescue

The Client

City of Phoenix’s Development Services Department (DSD)

The Background

The City of Phoenix Development Services Department’s parcel information system and permitting process starts with the loading of parcel drawings in AutoCAD® format into Oracle®. In 2008, Gistic developed a custom application, the CAD to Oracle Loader Application (COLA), using a mixture of technologies such as Visual Basic, Autodesk®, Intergraph®, and Oracle®. In 2013, the call for COLA’s replacement came when DSD planned to consolidate its GIS technologies and move away from all VB applications.

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Utah’s LRS-based Data Warehouse

The Client

The Utah Department of Technology Services (DTS) and the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT)

The Objective

In early 2009 when the UPlan prototype began to receive nationwide attention as a regional collaboration platform for transportation planning professionals, UDOT management quietly initiated the UGate project, an LRS-based spatial data warehouse, which would serve as the infrastructure upon which UPlan would thrive. Gistic Research was contracted for its Linear Referencing System (LRS) expertise and its hands-on experience with Oracle® and Esri®.

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